KERKENNAH BANKS “3D”The Kerkennah Banks area lies southwest of the Kerkennah Islands. The area has long been considered highly prospective by explorationists since it culminates at the juncture of the Kerkennah Arch and the Ashtart Rift. Two other significant hydrocarbon fields have already been found in this area.![]() The Cercina Oil field is also productive from the Eocene Reineche nummulitic limestone where it is better developed than at Chergui. OMV, the operator, has reported that as much as 22 million barrels of oil will be recovered from this small accumulation. From rather sparse 2D seismic coverage APEX had mapped a number of leads within the Kerkennah Banks area. Anadarko Petroleum Corp proposed a 420 sq km. transition zone 3D survey of the area to solidify these leads. The survey was initiated on February 17, 2007 with CGG being the preferred contractor. Despite a number of difficulties imposed by Mother Nature, the survey was completed the first week in July at a cost of $15,498,000 USD. The final processed data is expected by the end of November. |